Leonard Bernstein Oral History, Vol 1

Thank you for your interest in this new book of never before published interviews with:

Stephen Sondheim / Rostropovich / Adolph Green / George Plimpton / Harold Prince / Ned Rorem / John Corigliano… and others.

A Kindle format e-book / paperback and hardcover editions.

Interviews done for the Peabody Award-winning radio documentary

“Leonard Bernstein: An American Life” narrated by Susan Sarandon.

Interviews conducted by Steve Rowland.

A fundraiser for our Education Project

100% of proceeds from the sales of our Leonard Bernstein Oral History will go to “Time Out of Joint: Prison Reflections on Shakespeare” and its education outreach project, co-directed by Steve Rowland and Amiti Bey.


Leonard Bernstein: An Oral History, interviews conducted by Steve Rowland, Volume 1.

An e-book. First time ever available. Interviews about Leonard Bernstein with Stephen Sondheim, Mstistlav Rostropovich, Marin Alsop, George Plimpton, Burton Bernstein, Hal Prince, Ned Rorem, Sid Ramin, Ellen Adler, Robert Greenberg, Mary Rodgers, Fred Myrow, Adolph Green & John Corigliano.

All proceeds go to Steve Rowland and Amiti Bey’s new education project “Time Out of Joint: Prison Reflections on Shakespeare”.


Why is this book listed here?

Steve Rowland is a veteran oral historian and documentary producer. This book is being sold now as a fundraiser for an exciting new project that employs formerly incarcerated people as teachers of high school and college Zoom workshops. The workshops are based on Steve’s upcoming documentary film “Time Out of Joint: Prison Reflections on Shakespeare” which chronicles an amazing prison workshop about Shakespeare. Viewers get a fly-on-the-wall experience to sit in on an actual prison classroom and listen to 16 men talk about Shakespeare, as they consider issues like manhood, honor, misogyny, power, war, crime, forgiveness, redemption, sorrow, fatherhood, and, of course……love.

Our education project employs these same men (all are out of prison now, with no recidivism) as workshop leaders to discuss these issues - along with issues about prison education, prison reform/abolition, and “who owns Shakespeare?” with students all over the country.

100% the of the proceeds of your purchase of the e-book go to support our educational project.